Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Bully: The Perpetrator

Olweus (2000) describes the perpetrator of peer harassment as aggressive towards peers, but also adults.

The bully is self-confident contrary to the old belief that a bully feels inferior or suffers from poor self-esteem. Simmons (2002) describes bullies as wielding power at the expense of others.

Coloroso, (2003) states that "bullying is arrogance in action" (p.21). It is a matter of contempt.

Bonds (2000) states that it is not being different that makes a student a target, but rather that child's reaction to being bullied.

For bullies, the whole matter is power.

In the November 7, 2008 bulletin of the University of Chicago it was reported that
Bullies may enjoy seeing others in pain: Brain scans show disruption in natural empathetic response.

But waht about the victim? What can we do for the victim? What should we be doing for the victim?

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